Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:6-7
Lately I have been letting anxiety and worry take over. My husband has even said, "This is not like you to worry". He is right. I am the one who usually chooses not to worry about anything, even when I sometimes should. I am also the one who tells others not to worry. However, worry has crept into my life lately. So, this morning I had a little talk with God he reminded me that a lot of things that I am worrying or anxious about are a result of my own decisions. Decisions made in a time in my life when I was not doing much consulting with him. God's plan is perfect but I lived a while on my on plan...........consequences. I knew in the back of my mind that the bible contains everything that you need know about living this life but I am see its truth more and more lately. We are saved by grace but God gave us the law to guide us and help us to live more fullfilling lives not to load us down with rules and regulations. I trust him. I am seeking his way and trusting him with the faith of a child. Which leads me to another thought......
15 "Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it at all." Mark 10:15
We are God's children and he loves us as his own. Why do we try to make things so complicated? The bible is God's instruction book to us and I see and realize more and more each day how following what is in it makes things better. I am blessed to be able to see childlike faith everyday in Kingsley. He trusts that I will take care of him, comfort him, provide for him, and catch him when he randomly decides to dive off of the couch.........if I miss, see comfort again! God loves us just like that. When Kingsley falls he immediatly runs to me to hold him, just as we should run to God when we fall, because we will fall and we will make mistakes. He is our great Comforter and our greatest fan. God just wants us to come to him as a child, his child, and trust and believe in him. Thank you God for the example you have shown me in Kingsley.
I think I will go and join K under the sprinkler and let the worries wash away!
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