Friday, April 11, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Lindsey tagged me! So, I have to list 15 things about myself that people may not know. Here goes...........

1. I LOVE french fries. My husband says that if I drove a race car I would be called the Freedom Fry driver!
2. I have very negative feelings towards Jessica Simpson since the divorce. I refuse to buy any shoes or clothing endorsed by or designed by her. Nick is a good man people!
3. I love good musical theatre! My 'cup runneth over' when I am watching good theatre.(especially when they belt out a good song)
4. I want to be on MTV's "MADE" and be made into a hip hop dancer.
5. I love to listen to geniune people with great biblical knowledege speak and teach.
6. I miss my dad every minute of every day.
7. I tend to purposely avoid all political, economical, financial, and most other "grown up" conversations. It confuses me!
8. I love the atmosphere of baseball and football games!
9. I love getting "dressed up" to go to special events.
10. I never want to be filthy rich, it changes people.
11. I love to eat cold food. (pizza, casseroles, pigs in a blanket, you get the point)
12. I hate the tanning bed, however, my husband has gone everyday for 2 months now.
13. I love the lake, there are no worries there, except how to get warm when the camper air conditioner is on turbo.
14. I HAVE to get things waxed but it makes me really mad at the person doing it and I often have to talk myself down from punching the waxer. It is just thier job.
15. I can not stand to rub my hands together. Example, rubbing lotion on my hands. I have to do it really fast. It makes me naseous for the ridges in my hands or feet to touch. The same with shampoo, I put my hands together but do not rub them............Oh gross.....I am sick thinking about it..........gotta go!

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